Mission Statement & Ethos

Coláiste Mhuire Mission Statement & Ethos

Coláiste Mhuire is a lay, co-educational, voluntary Catholic Secondary School. We aim to provide a quality teaching and learning experience which fosters the development of the whole person.

We aim to enable each pupil to achieve his/her full potential and to prepare him/her for further education, training and employment. We aim to hand on the Christian faith and values.

The school emphasises politeness, courtesy, co-operation and respect for self, others and property as fundamental principles of behaviour. Coláiste Mhuire is committed to providing an atmosphere of tolerance and openness which respects the dignity of every member of the school community and in which each one can feel valued. Every member of the school community has the right to happiness and the right to learn. No one has the right to take these away from them. This fundamental principle forms the foundation of all the school rules and the Code of Discipline. Acceptance of a place at Coláiste Mhuire is taken as acceptance of this ethos.

The school communicates this ethos by:

  • Sending all parents/guardians a copy of the Code of Behaviour to be signed and accepted by all pupils and parents.

  • Informing all First Year students in their first month in the school that Coláiste Mhuire does not tolerate bullying behaviour.

  • Publishing and displaying our school rules in the pupil’s school journals, a copy of which each pupil must purchase each year.

Dealing with the issue of bullying in the following subject areas:
  • SPHE
  • CSPE
  • Religion
  • English
  • Running a specific anti-bullying module with all year groups
  • Regular assemblies which periodically make reference to the rights of all at school to feel secure, and to the school ethos and mission statement outlined above.
Contact Us
Lower Main St, Ballygar, Co. Galway, F42 D265.
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